D. Andrew Hartfield is a husband, father, writer, and storyteller.
Tillie Mingxuan Hartfield is a daughter, sister, friend, writer, and storyteller.
“Tillie Tuesday” is the first film we have written together. We are thrilled to be able to share our story with you.
We are so thankful for “Tillie’s Flock”, the group of loving and generous people who helped bring Tillie to our family. Now we hope that you will join us on this great journey to make “Tillie Tuesday.” Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
When we raise enough money to make “Tillie Tuesday” we plan to celebrate!
Sugarbacon Entertainment desires to make films to uplift, inspire, and tell stories that will contribute to our goal to make the world safe for the hearts of children.
Contact Sugarbacon Entertainment for more info.